MEO Portugal Cup of Surfing

The MEO Portugal Cup of Surfing took place between September 29th and October 1st, in Ericeira. The competition consisted of 24 national and international surfers, among them the world champion, Ítalo Ferreira, the best Portuguese surfer Frederico Morais, Teresa Bonvalot and Mafalda Lopes. 

This new championship format, with no public or structures for it, allowed greater flexibility in terms of location, being able to always choose the location with the best conditions and the best waves 🌊. The women's and men's championships were available to watch daily in a live broadcast.

EDP set its presence with a solidarity and a sustainability action: Wave of the Day and Footprint CO2.


EDP Wave of the Day:

We supported social solidarity institutions, transforming the best waves of the day into 34 months of free energy. 

EDP joined forces with Entreajuda to chose four social solidarity institutions that benefited from the best waves of this competition:

  • Associação O Ninho - received 9 months of free energy
  • Casa dos Jovens "O Farol" - received 8 months of free energy
  • Centro Social Barredo - received 9 months of free energy
  • G.A.T.O (Grupo de Ajuda a Toxicodependentes) - received 8 months of free energy

Each of these IPSS received a specific number of months of free energy depending on the scores obtained daily in the “EDP Wave of the Day” category (1 point = 1 month of energy). 

Footprint CO2:

In the scope of sustainability, EDP offset the CO2 footprint of the presence of the 24 participating surfers, including all air travel, local travel and hotel stays. 

What will be the result of this compensation? These same credits will be used to reforest a forest in the Coimbra area.

MEO Portugal Cup of Surfing Footprint CO2