Sustainability is part of EDP’s DNA
More than a simple goal, continuing to grow while meeting the challenges of sustainable development is a pledge we made to our stakeholders.
We are focused on success
Monitored across several areas, our performance has been widely recognized by all Sustainability and Corporate Responsibility Indexes in which EDP is included.

Sustainable development guidelines
Economic and Social Value
Eco-efficiency and environment
Integrity and good governance
Transparency and dialogue
Human capital and diversity
Energy access
Social development
Economic and Social Value
It continuously creates value for shareholders;
It builds environmental and social aspects into planning and decision making processes;
It optimizes resources and reduce risk exposure;
It proactively contributes for a better quality of life of the population;
It fosters service excellence and anticipates customer expectations and needs.
Eco-efficiency and environment
It fosters the use of renewable energy sources and cleaner, more efficient energy technologies;
It actively contributes to the preservation of the environment and biodiversity;
It fosters energy consumption efficiency;
It fosters the improvement of environmental management practices within the chain value;
It manages the impacts of activities, seeking a positive environmental balance.
It fosters innovation and creativity, both in the search for new market opportunities and in the improvement of processes;
It fosters collaborative practices at all design, production and service delivery stages;
It fosters research, technological development and knowledge management.
Integrity and good governance
It complie with legal provisions and established ethical and moral standards;
It respects and promotes human rights;
It ensures an inclusive, principled and competent business governance.
Transparency and dialogue
It ensures an open and trusting relationship with all stakeholders
It promotes consultation and communication channels for all stakeholders, considering their contributions and expectations;
It reports economic, environmental and social performance data in a transparent and objective manner.
Human capital and diversity
It fosters integrity, rigor, individual responsibility and team work;
It fosters skill development and recognizes excellence and merit;
It ensures equal opportunities by rejecting abusive and discriminatory practices;
It improves the health conditions, safety and well-being of employees;
It fosters employee satisfaction and motivation.
Energy access
It fosters reliable, safe and quality energy access;
It adapts trade policies to the market's social specifics;
It ensures equal access to energy and energy systems.
Social development
It fosters social innovation, maximizing the activity's positive impact on society;
It supports social and cultural initiatives, guided by transparent assessment criteria for social return of invested resources;
It cooperates the sustainable development of local communities.
Certification and Recognition
Environmental management in hydro and thermal production in Portugal
EDP has been using environmental management systems in Portugal for over 20 years in its hydro and thermal electricity generation facilities. Learn about the certificates of the various environmental management systems.

Publications and Reports
Access EDP Group publications and environmental impact processes, studies, reports and other relevant documents under EDP Sustainability.