Go to "Corrida do Parque à Noite" with EDP

Running 8 km, at night, in the city park of Porto, with many hundreds of participants: this is the adventure that "EDP Corrida do Parque à Noite" promises again for 2019, year in which the theme of the race guarantees that the participants will be able to run alongside the greatest superheroes of all time.


We also believe in superheroes, especially those who use their energy to change the world. Do you know which comics superhero wears an energy lighthening to his chest? The winners of this competition rushed sending us the right answer, Flash (or Shazam), and won their participation in this race!

This competition runned from 12:00 on July 5 until 7:00 pm on July 14.

Congratulations to the winners!

Please check out the file below to see if you are one of the winners. If so, you will receive, soon, an email with instructions to make your registration by the event's organization.