The winning bands

Os Burricos

Initiative: Multi-village itinerant action

This is a band that collects a repertoire of traditional music, composed of five young musicians. The concept they presented involved taking their music to local communities, safely, through itinerant performances on the streets of 8 villages in Boticas (Trás-os-Montes) with stops in specific places where the population would be able to watch from the window.

Dates and places:

May 29th

  • Sapiãos
  • Pinho
  • Granja
  • Boticas

May 30th

  • Fiães do Tâmega
  • Curros
  • Sapelos 
  • Ardãos

Who are they?

Portugal #EntraEmCena - Os Burricos

"Os Burricos" is a group of traditional Portuguese music, which combines traditional instruments (such as the bagpipes, bass drum and box) with more modern instruments - such as the trombone, guitar or drums. All of this preserving tradition and culture, while adding a touch of modernity and a new approach to this genre without giving up the spirit and revelry that folklore transports us to.

Retimbrar o Cais

Initiative: Workshop and itinerary performance

Retimbrar is a music collective composed of 10 musicians (5 percussionists + voice and other instrumentalists). On May 30th of 2021 they threw alive concert at the Associação Cultural Zé da Micha, Cais de Gaia with a limited capacity of 100 seats - but also with a live broadcast so that everybody can watch it!

Portugal #entraemcena - Retimbrar

Who are they?

Retimbrar is a Porto-based 10-piece band from Northern Portugal that celebrates traditionally-inspired music with a strong rhythmic component.

The group's experiments focus on the lexicon of traditional Portuguese instruments and explore rhythm and percussion as the basis for the research behind their songs.

Retimbrar's repertoire includes their own songs and reinterpretations of folk music, which result from various collaborations with music communities across northern Portugal, including drumming groups, folk groups (ranchos), and other collectives.

The experience they gained has allowed them to adopt various performance strategies: from the street to the stage, from workshops to concerts, from theater to folk festivities.

The group was founded in 2008 by Andres 'Pancho' Tarabbia, a Portugal-based Uruguayan percussionist, and was later joined by António Serginho - who then became co-leader and co-coordinator of the project. Casa da Música integrated Retimbrar in its Educational Service from 2010 to 2012, hosted the show 'Arraial' (created in 2013), and, together with Cultura Fnac and Revolução d'Alegria-Associação Cultural, sponsored the release of their debut album 'Voa pé' in 2016.

Besides playing music, Retimbrar also go to schools to teach and apply some of their material and methods. It is also based on this practice, and in coordination with various associations, social-artistic projects and institutional partners, that Afonso Passos and Nuno Xandinho run Faceadinha Workshop, where they have building instruments and holding workshops since 2015.

The main mission of this Porto-based collective is to discover Portuguese folk/cultural heritage and make it more widely known. They perform with freedom so that the pleasure is renewed and tradition is not lost.

In this concert Retimbrar are: Afonso Passos, André Nunes, Andres 'Pancho' Tarabbia, António Serginho, Catarina Valadas, Jorge Loura, Miguel Ramos, Sara Yasmine, and Tiago Manuel Soares.